Saturday, April 7, 2012

SOME IMPORTANT NEWS (and other random thoughts)

As the title promises, here's the most recent news update from the YHMH headquarters: (a.k.a. my basement)

Over the last month or so, I've been writing and recording several new tracks, many of which are turning out quite nicely. These songs are covering a wide variety of styles, from bright pop-y stuff to ballads to dark, brooding melodies, and so on. 

HOWEVER, it looks like you'll have to wait a good month or so before you get to hear any more from me. Schoolwork is taking up all my time, between classes, after-school activities, and so on. I prolly don't even have time to be writing this post, but I'm taking the time anyway cause I can't focus on the work I should be doing :P

Even though you'll all have to wait to hear anything new, for now you can check out the single "18 Years" and download it FOR FREE from several different links. (they're all in my post about this on the blog page, as well as on ReverbNation, Facebook, and so on)

And a sneak peak bit of info, but I'll be re-recording that song, cleaning it up, changing a couple things around, and it'll be going on the debut album, whenever that comes out. Don't get antsy waiting for it though, it'll be awhile. I've got two other bands going, and they'll be taking up the majority of musical focus for all of this summer and into the fall.

So until I free myself of the horrid-ness that is junior year, this is where we'll have to say goodbye to YHMH progress :( have a great Easter weekend!


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